Why hasn't Donnie Yen made it big in America yet? He flirted with Hollywood in Highlander: Endgame, Blade 2, and Shanghai Knights, but never really made a breakthrough. It's a shame, because he is every bit as awesome as Jet Li and Jackie Chan. I've seen him kick butt in a number of movies, but never quite as much as he does in Ip Man.
Based VERY loosely on the story of the real martial arts master Ip Man (who eventually went on to train Bruce Lee in his twilight years), the movie is broken into two halves. The first half deals with the wealthy Ip Man's high standing in the community and the rogue kung fu bandits who roll into town looking for a fight. The second half takes place during the Japanese occupation in World War 2. Now destitute, Ip Man struggles to find work so that his family can eat and finds himself fighting in the arena with a Japanese general. The story isn't particularly original - its not ruining anything to say that we are waiting the whole movie for the humble and restrained Ip Man to unleash his inner badassery - and when he finally unleashes...WOW. A few of these fights are for the ages, and certainly the most enjoyable martial arts fighting I've seen since the first Ong Bak.
But I don't want to build any high expectations or pre-conceived notions - I have to make clear that this is not strictly a fight movie. This is a drama with some great fighting in it, but it is a drama first. The closest movie I can compare it to is Jet Li's Fearless from a few years ago - which was a solid movie, but this one is definitely better!
There are a few goofy things in the film, including one of the most ridiculous moments of Chinese propaganda I've ever seen, but I definitely recommend the film. Check it out!!! You won't regret it.
MVP: No doubt. Donnie Yen handles with his role with grace and power - he never acts like a badass. He doesn't need to. He just is. I've enjoyed his work in other movies, but I have only skimmed the surface. I think it is time for a Donnie Yen marathon!
BEST LINE: "Mom says you better start fighting before he tears apart the whole house."
TRIVIA: Did you know China won World War 2 by itself? I didn't. That's certainly what Ip Man's epilogue implies. Clearly my history classes misinformed me!
Stupid American history. Can't they get anything right?